Breathable Bandage
Leave the breathable bandage on for at least three days, or up to 5 days. It will collect blood and plasma underneath it, and it may be ink stained. That's totally normal!
When you remove the bandage, with clean hands gently wash your tattoo with warm water and an unscented antibacterial soap. Pat dry with a paper towel (avoid using fabric towels as they can harbor more bacteria). Make sure no residue from the bandage or dried blood/plasma is left on the tattoo.
Once the tattoo is fully clean and dry, take a small amount of plain, unscented lotion and rub into you tattoo, making sure it all gets absorbed, leaving little to no residue behind. Please note I do not typically recommend Aquaphor, A&D ointment, Vaseline, or any other medicated salves/ointments such as Neosporin.
Repeat this process 2-3 times a day until the tattoo starts to peel. Once peeling starts, just use a bit of lotion as needed throughout the day, but don't overdo it as too much product on the tattoo can hinder the healing process.
During the peeling process, be sure not to scratch or pick at your tattoo as it can cause ink loss and/or scarring.
The bandage is water resistant, but not waterproof, so showering with it on is fine but still avoid swimming, hot tubs, baths, or any kind of soaking of the area until the tattoo is completely healed, even after the bandage comes off (roughly 3-4 weeks). Also avoid direct sunlight and lots of physical activity until it is healed.
If the bandage starts to leak heavily or become compromised, remove it and start the cleaning regiment described above.
Plastic Wrap Bandage
Leave the plastic wrap bandage on over night if possible. It will collect blood and plasma underneath it, and it may be ink stained. That's totally normal!
When you remove the bandage, with clean hands gently wash your tattoo with warm water and an unscented antibacterial soap. Pat dry with a paper towel (avoid using fabric towels as they can harbor more bacteria). Make sure no dried blood/plasma is left on the tattoo.
Once the tattoo is fully clean and dry, take a small amount of plain, unscented lotion and rub into you tattoo, making sure it all gets absorbed, leaving little to no residue behind. Please note I do not typically recommend Aquaphor, A&D ointment, Vaseline, or any other medicated salves/ointments such as Neosporin.
Repeat this process 2-3 times a day until the tattoo starts to peel. Once peeling starts, just use a bit of lotion as needed throughout the day, but don't overdo it as too much product on the tattoo can hinder the healing process.
For the first 3 nights after getting your tattoo, re-cover it in plastic wrap just like how your original bandage was. Be sure to clean it thoroughly first, then apply to clean, dry skin free of lotion or other products.
During the peeling process, be sure not to scratch or pick at your tattoo as it can cause ink loss and/or scarring.
Avoid swimming, hot tubs, baths or any soaking of your tattoo until it is completely healed (about 3-4 weeks). Also avoid direct sunlight and lots of physical activity until it is healed.
If you have any questions or concerns about the healing process or the bandaging, please email me at tsimmsart@gmail.com and be sure to put "Aftercare" in the subject line!